However, before you do, please be aware of what we as a Company are looking for and the guidelines/process for submitting material to us.

Company Interests

We would always recommend you make yourself informed of our previous work here before submitting it. 

The work we have produced and are looking to develop is focused on personal stories told by original voices with lived experience which often play with form and medium; blurring the boundaries between narrative and documentary. They often also regularly utilise various creative methods from animation and collage, to still photography and dance.

In terms of platform, we produce for TV, Film (features and large-scale shorts budgeted above £30,000) and VR. However, whilst we are relatively genre-neutral, we are not currently looking for work that could be categorised as Horror or Sci-Fi. 

We also do not accept work that promotes bullying, harassment or discrimination of any form.  

Submissions Guidelines

If you are a creative (or represent a creative) who just wants to begin a conversation and put yourself on our radar, please send us via email:

  • A resume. (no longer than a page, in PDF Format)

  • At least one link to your latest work/work that feels represent you the most. (either through Vimeo, YouTube or by PDF Attachment)

  • A small covering email explaining why you want to work with us. (no longer than 200 words)

If you have a project, you or your client is interested in talking to us about developing, please send us the above alongside:

  • A one-page pitch of the project or a full project treatment. (PDF format preferable)

  • A script sample, if applicable. (PDF format)

Submissions Process

As a small company working across multiple projects, we cannot guarantee our team will have the time to read your work straight away. Thus, please be patient with us once you have submitted your work to us/got in touch.

Our development team guarantees that they will reply with notification of receiving your work/email within 2 weeks of submission and aims to have read and provided notification of whether they want to move forward with the conversation around yourself or your work within 2 months of submission. 

If the latter is not possible and the development team need more time, you will be notified of why this is and when you are likely to hear from them after the 2-month period. 

If for any reason you would like to revoke any part of your submission at any point in the process, please let us know and we will do so immediately.

Submission Rejection

If you are not successful this does not mean that we don’t want to work with you in the future and we encourage you to keep in touch with updates about yourself and your work.  Frequent reasons for why we can’t take your work forward or work with you at this time currently include: 

  • The work submitted does not fit the type of work the company is looking to develop at the current time (see Guidelines).

  • Your work is too similar to a project we have already produced or are currently developing.

  • The work is for a medium we are not currently working in i.e. radio, theatre.

Again, due to the small size of our team, we are unfortunately unable to provide full script coverage or full feedback for any work provided. However, we guarantee we will provide general feedback on the reason for not taking the conversation further.

Any further questions or for clarification on any of the provided information please contact: